
OALib Journal期刊

ISSN: 2333-9721




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( 2023 )

( 2022 )


匹配条件: “Marta Fuentes” ,找到相关结果约12662条。
Psicologia e saúde: a terapia comunitária como instrumento de sensibiliza??o para o trabalho com comunidades na forma??o do Psicólogo
Fuentes-Rojas, Marta;
Psicologia: Ciência e Profiss?o , 2011, DOI: 10.1590/S1414-98932011000200016
Abstract: the involvement of psychologists in primary attention includes a preparation for this field of work. the community therapy takes part in this proposal offering psychologists a tool for the promotion and prevention in mental health. this paper is the report of the author’s experience in a university course of psychology, and the redevelopment of the course curriculum included community therapy since the 2nd semester of 2005, aiming to offer students a different view of health promotion and prevention in communities. it was observed that the students began to present a critical posture in relation to the use of techniques and to their contribution to the development of communities, for they became aware of their pain and suffering, re-signifying their own concept of suffering. from the clinical/individual care, they moved on to a more collective and communitarian work.
Hispanics in Metropolitan America: New Realities and Old Debates
Marta Tienda,Norma Fuentes
- , 2014, DOI: 10.1146/annurev-soc-071913-043315
Abstract: Since 1980, Latinos have participated in an unprecedented geographic dispersal that altered the ethno-racial contours of metropolitan and nonmetropolitan areas throughout the nation. After summariz..
María Domingo Coscollola,Marta Fuentes Agustó
Pixel-Bit , 2010,
Abstract: El artículo se enmarca en una investigación del grupo de Didáctica y Multimedia (DIM) de la UAB que realizamos sobre la incorporación de las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación (TIC), en centros de Primaria y Secundaria de Catalu a, para conseguir una innovación educativa. Primero explicamos la información significativa de esta investigación y después proporcionamos algunas aportaciones de diferentes autores que avalan, amplían y/o matizan el planteamiento de la investigación (las aportaciones son posteriores al cierre de la investigación).
Aprender inteligencia emocional mediante formación online es posible?
Juan Pedro Barberá Cebolla,Marta Fuentes Agustí
Didáctica, Innovación y Multimedia : DIM , 2012,
Abstract: This paper presents the experience in conducting a training course in Emotional Intelligence applied to classroom teachers aimed at primary and secondary education, integrated within the teacher education programs of training centres’, innovation and educational resources (CEFIRE) of Valencia. In the course the platform Moodle for on line learning was used.At first there was great reluctance, fears, hesitations, doubts... for the completion of the course format Emotional Intelligence through the network (virtually rather than in person) but once completed the course, there was high degree of satisfaction of teachers participating in the same issue that contradicted the initial uncertainty.With this article we want to emphasize that learning through ICT has its place beyond the type of content to provide, as long as the methodology and presentation formats of these contents, is appropriate.
Juan Pedro Barberá Cebolla,Marta Fuentes Agustí
Abstract: Este artículo presenta un estudio de caso sobre cómo los estudiantes de una escuela de educación secundaria de la Comunidad Valenciana percibe la inclusión de las TIC por parte de su profesorado y como contribuyen en la mejora del aprendizaje. Se parte del análisis de la visión que tiene el alumnado sobre la forma en la que el profesorado ha integrado en la práctica escolar el uso de las TIC con la finalidad de obtener respuestas respecto a las fortalezas, debilidades y posibilidades de mejora que necesitaría introducir el centro educativo para un adecuado uso e implementación de las TIC. Por otra parte, el estudio permite corroborar la importancia de las opiniones manifestadas por el alumnado como herramienta evaluadora del centro educativo con la finalidad de proporcionar información para la realización de actuaciones concretas que permitan mejorar los procesos de ense anza y aprendizaje.
Reflections on the burnout syndrome and its impact on health care providers
Iglesias Marta,Vallejo Ricardo,Fuentes Paloma
Annals of African Medicine , 2010,
Digital chest drainage vs . water seal chest drainage in the robotic era
Marta G. Fuentes,Nuria M. Novoa
- , 2020, DOI: 10.21037/jtd.2020.03.86
Abstract: Jacobsen and coworkers present the results of a retrospective study analyzing the possible benefits of using digital chest drainages compared to water seal drainages after robotic lung resection [robotic-assisted thoracic surgery (RATS)] (1). Although this is an innovative study and a well written paper, I would like to suggest points for consideration to readers of the article
Incidencia de las carpetas de aprendizaje en el rendimiento académico de los estudiantes universitarios
- , 2014, DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.14201/et20143215978
Abstract: Este trabajo pretende dar respuesta a las inquietudes detectadas en el debate sobre si los resultados académicos de los estudiantes mejoran con la introducción de nuevas metodologías docentes, cuestión que se plantea en diferentes foros sobre innovación docente universitaria. En concreto, se analiza la evolución de las notas obtenidas por los estudiantes de cinco asignaturas diferentes en diversas facultades en las que se ha introducido la carpeta del estudiante o portfolio como nueva metodología de ense?anza-aprendizaje. Se han comparado los resultados obtenidos antes y después de la implementación de la nueva metodología y se ha analizado si existe robustez estadística en la diferencia de dichos resultados. Asimismo, se ha comparado la evolución de la carpeta del estudiante, una vez ha sido implantada, en cuanto a los resultados obtenidos para establecer la repercusión de los cambios introducidos paulatinamente respecto a la carpeta propuesta inicialmente. Los datos obtenidos confirman que, en los casos estudiados, los resultados académicos de los estudiantes mejoran claramente. Se reducen drásticamente los suspendidos, y el nivel mayoritario se sitúa en el notable
Beneficios de incorporar un simbiótico a la dieta de adultos mayores con infecciones recurrentes Benefits of adding symbiotic food to the diet of elderly people with recurrent infections
Kranewitter María Carolina,Marta Fuentes,Alicia Costamagna,Ana Fabro
Acta bioqu?-mica cl?-nica latinoamericana , 2009,
Abstract: El propósito de este trabajo fue estudiar la evolución clínica de un grupo de adultos mayores, proclives a padecer infecciones bacterianas principalmente de las vías respiratorias, al adicionar a su dieta un alimento simbiótico con Lactobacillus casei, Lactobacillus acidophillus y fructanos y, además, correlacionar los resultados obtenidos con modificaciones en los parámetros inmunológicos medidos. Se incluyeron 90 pacientes adultos mayores de 65 a os, todos con antecedentes de infecciones bacterianas recurrentes de las vías respiratorias. Cada individuo suplementó su dieta habitual con una dosis diaria del simbiótico SanCor Bio con fructanos. La administración se realizó durante los meses de época invernal. Se realizó un seguimiento clínico, se hizo recuento de Lactobacillus spp en materia fecal, se cuantificaron subpoblaciones linfocitarias CD4 y CD8 y se evaluó la activación de monocitos en sangre periférica. Se observó disminución de los cuadros virales (gripales) y ausencia de infecciones bacterianas de vías respiratorias; además, aumentó el número de Lactobacillus spp en materia fecal y se estimuló la respuesta inmune principalmente inespecífica. Esto sugiere que dicho simbiótico puede ser utilizado como terapia preventiva en grupos vulnerables a infecciones y con depleciones del sistema inmunológico. The aim of this work was to study the clinical evolution of a group of elderly people who had a tendency to suffer from bacterial infections, mainly of the respiratory tract, after having added food with Lactobacillus casei, Lactobacillus acidophilus and fructans to their diet, and then to correlate the results obtained with alterations in immunological parameters previously set. Ninety patients who were older than 65 and had a background of recurrent bacterial infections in their respiratory tract were included in this study. Their daily diet was supplemented with a dose of Sancor Bio during winter months in 2007. A clinical analysis was carried out, Lactobacillus spp in faeces were counted, CD4 and CD8 lymphocytes were quantified and the activation of monocytes in peripheral blood was evaluated. In conclusion, the administration of this symbiotic food proved to be biochemical and clinically effective, showing to be a good colony of the intestinal mucose, promoting the principally unspecific immune response, everything correlated with clinical information. All this suggests that this food can be used asa preventive therapy in groups of people who are vulnerable to infections and who have immunological system depletions.
Video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery for the treatment of primary pneumothorax: talc pleurodesis or pleural abrasion? Retrospective multicentre study
Jon Zabaleta,Borja Aguinagalde,Carlos Alvarez,Marta G. Fuentes
Chest Disease Reports , 2011, DOI: 10.4081/cdr.2011.e9
Abstract: In the treatment of primary spontaneous pneumothorax (PSP) the latest guidelines recommend video-assisted thoracoscopy, but do not specify the best technique for performing pleurodesis. Indeed, there are no clinical trials comparing the effectiveness of talc pleurodesis, mechanical pleurodesis and pleurectomy. Our objective was to compare outcomes in patients who underwent surgery for primary pneumothorax with the talc procedure or with pleural abrasion using dry gauze. Patients undergoing video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery for PSP in two hospitals were retrospectively recruited between 2007 and 2008, and followed-up until December 2010. The variables measured to compare the outcomes were: recurrence, complications, and mortality, as well as the duration of air leaks and of drainage and the length of postoperative hospital stay (in days). Statistical analysis: The two groups were compared using the Chi square test for qualitative variables and nonparametric tests for continuous variables. A total of 106 interventions were carried out in 104 patients (74 in group A: pleural abrasion with dry gauze; 32 in group B: chemical pleurodesis with talc), with a mean age of 28 years (median 25) and 85.6% were male. Complications were observed in nine patients (8.5%) and there were no deaths in the 30 days after surgery; there were, however, four cases of recurrence (3.8%). The mean air leak duration was 0.78 days (median 0), the mean drainage duration 1.95 days (median 1) and the mean length of postoperative hospital stay 2.68 days (median 2). In 74 cases (69.8%), mechanical pleurodesis was performed, while 32 cases were treated with talc (30.2%). Comparing the two groups, we did not find statistically significant differences in recurrence (4.1% vs 3.1%, P=0.82), complications (6.8% vs 12.5%, P=0.45) or mortality (no cases of death). On the other hand, the mean postoperative hospital stay was lower in the mechanical pleurodesis group than in the talc group (2.2 vs 3.8 days, P=0.005). Video-assisted surgery in the treatment of PSP is a safe technique. In the mechanical pleurodesis group, we observed the same rate of recurrence, half the number of complications and a shorter hospital stay. We consider it necessary that well-designed multicentre clinical trials be carried out to compare these techniques and determine which produces the best outcomes, providing stronger scientific evidence given that the data available to date are not conclusive.

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